Tulsa Trauma-Informed Yoga For Anxiety Classes, mental health professional workshops, and other events.
Exalted Ease: A Tulsa Trauma-Informed Yoga Program For Anxiety
Learn simple tools to calm your worried mind, soothe the traumatized parts of you, reclaim your body to access peace and receive support from a loving community! A combination of in-person group classes, online meetings, fun and safe social events!
Soothe My Soul: Trauma-Informed Yoga & Education To Reparent Your Anxious Inner Child
An in-depth, self-paced online course designed to teach adult survivors of childhood trauma to access peace in body, mind, spirit and reparent the most innocent parts of your soul!
Trauma-Informed yoga anytime, anywhere!Over 50 videos to help you release anxious energy and reconnect with your body.Movement, breathing exercises, guided meditations, grounding – this site has it all.